俠盜列車手5 Simple Trainer for GTA 2.2 - 多功能洗錢線上工具
Various optio
It also fe atures time a nd weather options, and a bunch of car optio ns Also any predefined teleport slot can be c ustomized in g ame, overwriting the predefi ned values
The trainer also includes bod yguard /ped spawning, any model can be spawned, any weapon can b e given , defaults in tra iner.ini, these can also be altered usin g the bodyguard menu in game. In additional to bodygu ards, also dr ivers, combat peds and peds and drive rs that attack the pla yer can be spa wned. Normal peds can b e given a total of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawne d ped. You can set the b odyguards to follow you in a car. You ca n also select a specific ped and do stuff on th e selected ped.
The trainer includes the mobile radio, wh ich works o utside of the car, all feature s that are available with th e normal radio, also work w ith the mobile radio.
Trainer.ini contai ns the defaults section, where you can set c ertain settings to be ena bled on game start.
More information and instal lation inst ructions available in the Rea dMe
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ns normal to any trainer, the world's simplest speedomet er, either in KM/H or MP/H or both, 60 Teleporting optio ns that can be customized us ing the trainerv.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assi gned to hotkeys, which al so can be custo mized using trainer.ini, al l other car models can be sp awned by usi ng the menu. you ca n force a default statio n in each ve hicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, bot h configurable in game and using the trainer.ini You can ch ange your player mode l using the menu.It also fe atures time a nd weather options, and a bunch of car optio ns Also any predefined teleport slot can be c ustomized in g ame, overwriting the predefi ned values
The trainer also includes bod yguard /ped spawning, any model can be spawned, any weapon can b e given , defaults in tra iner.ini, these can also be altered usin g the bodyguard menu in game. In additional to bodygu ards, also dr ivers, combat peds and peds and drive rs that attack the pla yer can be spa wned. Normal peds can b e given a total of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawne d ped. You can set the b odyguards to follow you in a car. You ca n also select a specific ped and do stuff on th e selected ped.
The trainer includes the mobile radio, wh ich works o utside of the car, all feature s that are available with th e normal radio, also work w ith the mobile radio.
Trainer.ini contai ns the defaults section, where you can set c ertain settings to be ena bled on game start.
More information and instal lation inst ructions available in the Rea dMe
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俠盜列車手5 Simple Trainer for GTA 2. 2 - 多功能洗錢線 上工具
我在線上按加錢沒有反應 是需要什麼前置嗎?
回覆請問是將 TrainerV.asi 和 trainerv 丟到目錄就好了嗎??