GTAV FORCEv2.5.1 線上洗錢工具
Place all files in your GTA file loca tion director y.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\s teamapps\common\G rand Theft Auto V) 64-bit
(C:\Program Fi les\Steam\steam apps\commo n\Grand Theft Auto V) 32-bit
快捷鍵: (Numlock must be on)
* - Activate(* - 米字鍵 開啟)
NUM2/8/4/6 - Navigate thru the menus and lists
NUM5 - Select
NUM0 - Back
NUM9/3 - U se vehicle boos t when activ e/Fast stop
NUM+ - Use vehicle rockets when active
GTAV FORCE v2.5.1 線上洗錢工具
Place all files in your GTA file loca tion director y.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\s teamapps\common\G rand Theft Auto V) 64-bit
(C:\Program Fi les\Steam\steam apps\commo n\Grand Theft Auto V) 32-bit
快捷鍵: (Numlock must be on)
* - Activate(* - 米字鍵 開啟)
NUM2/8/4/6 - Navigate thru the menus and lists
NUM5 - Select
NUM0 - Back
NUM9/3 - U se vehicle boos t when activ e/Fast stop
NUM+ - Use vehicle rockets when active
GTAV FORCE v2.5.1 線上洗錢工具