Equality Mod Trainer v0.04 - GTAV線上外掛修改
This is the same me nu as before just updated wi th all the correct fil es. Still works 1 00% just needed a new ScriptHo okV with th e online check removed whic h is included in this downl oad.
This is the premium /Private version o f a well known trainer tha t starts with the let ter N and and in the letter R. We renamed t he trainer so it ha s a far more su itable name "Eq uality Mod Menu v 0.03" by smokevapors & his pals. We do not mean to degrade the wor k done, only to point out the name associated with the menu was hor rible and discriminate towar ds a group of people. So @rkaf & I de cided to change t hat and ren ame & re-r elease the dam thing as somethin g that sounds better and m ore professional that could be released here on MPGH for everyone to enj oy. Don't get salty because we changed the name, it was for a very s pecific reason lel!
F4 - activ ate
NUM2/8/4/6 - navigate thru the menus and lists (nu mlock must be on)
PgUp/PgDn/Left Arrow/Right Ar row - navigate thru the menus and lists
ENTER/NUM5 - sele ct
O/NUM3 - super break
\| or NUM9 - speed boost
=+/NUM+ - vehicle rockets
Online Playe r Menu(功能):
Teleport to player
Teleport player to me
Give/take weapo ns
Explode players
Frame players
Drop money
Clone play ers
Attach objects to players
Kill engine
Eject from vehicle
Launch vehicle
Force suicide (kill players in passive)
Spawn enemies
1. Remove all old shit from
2. Put everything from the .ra
r into your GTA 5 Director y.(覆蓋至GTA5目錄下)
3. Run GTA
5 and load story mode .(開啟遊戲)
4. Switch to onli
ne mode from story mod e.(使用線上模式)
5.Press F4 & Enjoy!(
F4開起選單)F4 開啟選單
Equality Mod T rainer v0.04 - GTA V線上外掛修改
已經不能用啦 一進就被擋住了