[PTT|LOL]Cloudtemplar & Rapidstar - B組分析


Cloudtemplar & Rapidstar Analysis on Group B

Reddit轉過來的. 本來想說有人會翻這篇,不過好像沒人發.

由外國網友 把韓文轉成英文. 這裡再英翻中




TSM won LCS because they had Lustboy. Their individual skills and mechanics
are top level in NA and their laning phase was really strong until mid game.
But as the game goes all the wards disappeared and they didn't know what to
do. The reason that they beat all the other top NA teams was that Lustboy was
leading the warding process. As Lustboy did all the warding work their skills
showed their potential and could beat C9. TSM should just focus on the laning
phase and go into 5v5 endgame fights later then they can compete with others.
But TSM should not let Dyrus split push. He teleports into a random ward
behind the enemy team and randomly wastes skills.

TSM會贏 是因為他們有Lustboy. 他們的個人技巧跟操作在北美都是頂級

中期前的對線也很強. 但是比賽中沒有視野,他們會不知到要幹嘛.

他們之所以能幹掉北美頂尖的隊伍,是因為Lustboy帶領他們 處理視野控制得這一塊。

Lustboy扛了這一些關於眼位的工作,所以他們才能發揮潛力 幹掉C9

TSM應該專注在對線上,然後打個5V5一波勝負的團戰. 這樣他們才有機會跟其他隊打

還有別讓Dyrus搞分推. 他常常隨便傳送在敵方後面的一支眼 而且隨便地交技能.


Starhorn Royal Club

The main star of this team is Uzi and Zero. Zero used to be a really
underestimated player and he did not show that much even by changing
positions. But when he is playing in China he changed so much that Zero and
FZZF should be called the two best supporters in China. And Insec and Zero
are always moving together, but they talk in Korean when they do. Royal Club
is strange as it is mixed with Korean and Chinese, so their communication has
its limit. Therefore they cannot compete with other teams in terms of
teamfight where communication is the most important thing.

這支隊伍的主角是Uzi和Zero.  以往Zero就是個被低估的選手.因為位置調動的關係

而沒展現到多少. 不過他去中國後轉變很多. 他跟FZZF可以說是中國最強的兩個輔助

Insec跟Zero常一起行動.此時他們會講韓文. 皇族是一支由中國人跟韓國人組成的

奇特隊伍. 所以他們在溝通方面會有所侷限. 而溝通在團戰來說是最重要的事,




TPA used to be so weak until early 2014, but they have changed when their
coach was changed. Their color became similar to that of Korean teams. They
can win except against Korean team. EU and NA teams' picks and bans are
really strange, but TPA's picks and bans are carefully structured just like
top Chinese teams. Also Bebe have played for all the three lanes, so that his
understanding of the positions are so high. He plays AD carry just like Top
or Mid Champions. The new coach for TPA taught things like object control
that Korean teams knew already, and they are so careful that they do not make
that much mistakes when taking objects. TPA is the strongest team after
Korean teams, and they should not be considered as underdogs.

在2014年初,TPA還很弱. 但在換教練後,他們已經變了. 他們現在很像韓國隊伍

他們可以贏除了韓國以外的所有隊伍. 歐美隊伍的B/P很玄,但TPA的B/P是很謹慎架構的,

就像中國頂尖隊伍一樣. 另外,Bebe三條路都有打過,所以他對位置的理解非常高.

他打ADC 就像打中路或上路的英雄一樣. 新教練 教了TPA,一些像目標控制..等

韓國隊伍已經知道的東西, 而且他們在目標拼搶上,非常謹慎 不犯太多的錯誤.

TPA是非韓最強的隊伍. 不應該被當成肉腳來看待。

SK Gaming

Saying this even though I'd be insulted by many EU fans, but Europe's Top
laners are extinct literally. Their mechanics are good enough to get to
Challenger in Korean Solo queue, but when they play a team game their plays
makes me want to swear. Their teleport locations are really strange and not
necessary. When they use teleport they first need to indicate their teams
that Top is going to use teleport, but they play as they use teleport first
and tell the team that they already used teleport. SK's main player is
Svenskeren. Their skill in planning the whole game is good and their teamwork
is clean, even better than Alliance. But they get caught one by one by the
other team after they took objective and that's how they lose a winning game.
And their teamfight often creates only disadvantages for SK.

講這個我可能會被歐洲的粉絲靠杯. 但歐洲的上路選手可以說GG了. 他們

的操作雖然足以讓他們打到韓服solo精英, 但他們打團隊時的Play,我都想靠杯他們

像他們傳送的位置有夠怪異而且沒必要, 當傳送前,首先要指示對友,我上路要傳囉!

但是他們常常反過來,先傳了才跟隊友說. SK的主角是Svenskeren. SK對於整個遊戲的





Royal & TPA

Lustboy has to take care of all 4 players so that's going to be really hard.
But in Royal is divided in 3 and 2 so that the advantage in number gives
Royal the advantage. TPA might be the most strongest team in group B. SK has
really small chance of getting out of group stage. TSM needs to boost up
their game managing skills or they will lose. Insec's champion pool is
smaller than expected, but he is still better than Amazing.

Most of the opinion is from Rapidstar who talked about 90% of what was
written here. Also it's not 100% accurate so please inform me when there are


Royal & TPA

Lustboy 一個要照顧四個非常難. 皇族這邊分成3跟2 (3中2韓).數字的優勢

會給皇族優勢 (這裡我不確定..但我猜是暗指 有中國選手跟韓國選手比較強)

TPA 也許是B組最強的隊伍.

SK出線的機會非常小. TSM必須提高處理遊戲的技巧

不然他們就會輸. Insec的口帶深度 比想像中小,不過他還是比Amazing強。

這篇文章寫的90%,都是Rapidstar講的評論. 可能不是100%正確,哪邊有錯請跟我說


因為原文是 韓翻英, 這邊在英翻中.

另外原文的下方回覆, 英文原PO,


哪邊有需要改的 麻煩在跟我說一下

※ 作者  AloRaiVet (阿隆索˙雷克南˙維特爾)                           看板  LoL
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1410945380.A.147.html



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